Wednesday, 16 September 2009


The trouble with me is I don't have a signature style. With some styles you can tell straight away who the artist is.
I want a signature style!!!


  1. Hi Helen, I can always spot your style! I see your cards in shops and know it's've got a great style. Always recognised your designs when I worked in the studio too :)

  2. You do have a signature style...and it's great! I think you sometimes can't see it when it's your own work that's all... so don't worry, just carry on with the fab work! :)

  3. It's funny because I say that to myself all the time. You DO have a very well recognizable signature style!! and I love it. Just keep doing what you do and don't worry about your style because it's there already!

  4. Wow. I love these designs!!
    Just found you because you are a Chorley girl like me :)

  5. I think your style is recognizable at all. Don´t worry, continue design like this, all are beautiful limages.
