Monday, 30 March 2009

New designs

Here are a couple of new designs

I love reading comments but I don't get many, even negative feedback is good sometimes 'cos it helps you notice things about your work that you might not have noticed. So please feel free to comment.


  1. I love these HAPPY designs! Keep up the great work. I love it.

  2. Hi, sorry, nothing negative to say at the moment! I really like the one you did for the Tigerprint Mothers Day card though and would love to see more of your work in this style. Kate x

  3. Hi! Me again!

    To answer your question about the patchwork- I just used masking tape and stuck the paper on the wall- then I covered it in contact paper. I know that sounds tacky- but I LOVE it!!! It looks great and is washable if something splatters. Try it!

  4. Hi Helen, I saw your comment on my blog, thanks for leaving me a note. I LOVE your style, it's very fresh and happy. Good luck with the new competition! All your designs deserve to be a winner.
