Just wanted to wish myself Good Luck 'cos I am joining a Art Agency, so hopefully they will get me loads and loads and loads of work. Has anybody out there got experience or opinions on Art Agencies?
I've just designed these two stamp sets for a lady in Australia, she saw my work on the www.childrensillustrators.com website. She was telling me that it is over 40 degrees celcius in Australia, I'm so jealous!
WOW! I've been working all morning in my little Artroom in the Attic and i just nipped down stairs to make a brew and WOW! "IT'S SNOWING ". So here's a little snowy design to celebrate 'cos it looks so cool outside.

I like sending funny Valentine cards but I love receiving mushy ones. "hint hint"

Here are two Valentine Designs I've just finished. The frog one is quite sweet but the other one is a bit rude. What do you think?
Today i've just taken down all the Christmas decorations and the house looks so bare. I know i'm a day late, i just hope it's not bad luck. Look at the cute little fairy we had on the top of our Christmas tree (only joking) it's my little daughter Casey posing like mad, she's a little tomboy really.
Wishing everbody in Blog land a very Happy New Year, especially all the arty types out there!